Ivan Nagy Doubles Thru Toni Zinder; Zinder Eliminated

May 11, 2023

With the board showing Heart JSpade JSpade 2Diamond 8 on the turn, Ivan Nagy gets it all in from the big blind for 23,000 with Diamond JDiamond 10 for trip jacks, and needs his hand to hold to stay alive against the Spade ASpade 4 (spade flush draw) of Toni Zinder on the button.

The river card is the Heart 9, and Nagy wins the pot with his trip jacks to double up in chips.

Ivan Nagy  –  75,000  (30 bb)
Toni Zinder  –  18,000  (7 bb)

Zinder was eliminated a few minutes later.

Toni Zinder  –  Eliminated

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