Ivan Banovic Catches a Miracle to Double Off Alexey Mishuk

Apr 14, 2024

Photo: Ivan Banovic

Ivan Banovic raises to 100,000 under the gun and Alexey Mishuk three-bets to 260,000 in the cutoff. Banovic then moves all in for 400,000 and Mishuk calls.

Ivan Banovic: Spade JSpade 10
Alexey Mishuk: Club JDiamond J

Banovic is crushed by Mishuk’s jacks as the flop comes Diamond 3Heart 9Diamond 8 to give Banovic a straight draw.

The turn is the Spade 3, but the Diamond 7 river gives Banovic his straight and keeps him in the tournament.

Ivan Banovic- 875,000 (29 bb)
Alexey Mishuk- 550,000 (18 bb)

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