Iulian Tataru Slams In His Last Chips

Apr 13, 2024

Iulian Tataru raises to 1,400 in the cutoff before Richard Heveli three-bets to 5,800 in the small blind. Tataru four-bets to 11,400, Heveli moves all in, and Tataru instantly slams in his remaining 34,000.

Iulian Tataru: Diamond KHeart K
Richard Heveli: Spade JHeart J

Tataru is ahead with his kings as the board runs out Club 10Spade 7Spade 6Club 6Club K, giving him a full house and a double up.

Iulian Tataru- 70,000 (117 bb)
Richard Heveli- 90,000 (150 bb)

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