Hand #47: Iulian Tataru Eliminated by Fabian Gumz in 5th Place (€30,000)

Apr 15, 2024

Iulian Tataru
Photo: Iulian Tataru

Hand #47 – Iulian Tataru raises to 900,000 from the hijack, leaving himself 325,000 behind. Fabian Gumz calls on the button.

Gumz asks Tataru what kind of flop he’d like, high or low, to which Tataru requests something in the middle.

The dealer obliges with a flop of Spade 10Heart 8Heart 7 and Tataru moves all in. Gumz makes the call to put him at risk, and despit Tataru’s request being fulfilled, he’s still well behind.

Iulian Tataru: Spade ADiamond 5
Fabian Gumz: Heart AHeart K

Gumz holds the superior ace with a flush draw, while Tataru will need a non-heart five or runners to a straight.

The turn is the Heart 9, immediately filling Gumz’s flush and sealing the hand before the Club 2 river.

Gumz’s stack is now right near the lead with four players remaining.

Fabian Gumz – 8,100,000
Iulian Tataru – eliminated in 5th place (€30,000)

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