Ittai Gluska Eliminated in 14th Place (€8,040)

Jan 13, 2020

Ittai Gluska

Robin Kazemieh Aghdam opens to 100,000 under the gun and Eldad Bentov and Daniel Szymanski call from the button and small blind positions respectively. Ittai Gluska has 580,000 in the big blind and goes all in.

Only Kazemieh Aghdam wants to play and they turn over their cards.

Robin Kazemieh Aghdam: Spade ASpade K
Ittai Gluska: Heart JClub J

It’s a classic flip but on the Diamond KHeart AHeart 4 flop, Kazemieh Aghdam moves way into the lead. The Club 8 turn and Diamond 6 river do nothing to change that and Gluska says goodbye.

Robin Kazemieh Aghdam – 1,620,000
Ittai Gluska – eliminated

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