Isabelle Tremblay's Aces get Cracked by Michael Khan; Exits Following Hand

May 19, 2024

Isabelle TremblayPhoto: Isabelle Tremblay

On a heads-up flop of Diamond 4Spade 8Spade 5, Isabelle Tremblay leads for 22,000 but then Michael Khan moves all in for 75,000. 

Tremblay makes the call and flips over Club AHeart A, but they pale in comparison to the Diamond 6Diamond 7 of Khan for the flopped nut straight. 

The turn Heart 5 gives her a glimmer of hope as she can now hit an ace for a full house, but the river Diamond 3 does not provide and the pot is pushed to Khan. 

Left short, Tremblay gets it all in the following hand with [ah8d] but runs into the Club AClub K of Said Nehme and fails to improve, sending her to the rail. 

Michael Khan – 190,000 (38 bb)
Said Nehme – 91,000 (18 bb)
Isabelle Tremblay – Eliminated

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