Isabelle Tremblay Sets Her Sights on the Finish Line

Aug 23, 2016

Canadian Nascar racer, Isabelle Tremblay, is back in the field for a final shot at this WPT National Event after entering every flight thus far.

Tremblay chips up against Leo Hackenbroch on a board reading Diamond AHeart JHeart 9, with about 1,200 in the pot.

Hackenbroch leads out for 500, and Tremblay raises to 1,000. Hackenbroch calls.

The turn is the Diamond 2. Hackenbroch checks, and Tremblay bets 2,500. Hackenbroch calls again.

The river is the Diamond 10. Both players check, and Tremblay tables Club ASpade 9 for two pair, and Hackenbroch shows the Spade A before mucking his cards.

Isabelle Tremblay – 20,000
Leo Hackenbroch – 10,000

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