Irtiza Malik Wakes Up With Aces to Bust Karim Abdelhami

May 14, 2024

Photo: Irtiza Malik

Micha Bitton raises to 2,500 under the gun and receives three callers before Irtiza Malik three-bets to 8,000 in the big blind. Bitton calls, but Karim Abdelhami moves all in for 33,000.

Malik then reshoves and Bitton folds.

Karim Abdelhami: Spade JHeart J
Irtiza Malik: Spade AClub A

Malik shows down aces and improves to top set on the Heart ASpade 2Spade 8 flop. The Heart 8 turn gives him a full house and Abdelhami is already drawing dead by the Spade 5 river and headed for the rail.

Irtiza Malik- 130,000 (130 bb)
Micha Bitton- 80,000 (80 bb)
Karim Abdelhami- eliminated

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