Ioana Apostol Doubles Via Mihai Tusnea

Aug 24, 2024

Ioana ApostolPhoto: Ioana Apostol

A player opens to 10,000 in early position and is faced with a three-bet jam by Ioana Apostol to 63,000. Mihai Tusnea is in the big blind and he four-bet jams for 69,000, forcing the opener out of the hand.

Ioana Apostol: Club QSpade Q
Mihai Tusnea: Club ADiamond K

Apostol is ahead in the classic race, and her double-up is confirmed after the Club 9Spade 7Club 5Heart 2Diamond 10 runout, leaving Tusnea with crumbs.

Ioana Apostol – 144,000 (36 bb)
Mihai Tusnea – 6,000 (1 bb) 

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