Interesting River for Giovambattista Costanzo and Ferhat Yildiz

Feb 19, 2020

Giovambattista Costanzo opens the action on the cutoff and Ferhat Yildiz defends his big blind.

On the Club 5Spade 2Spade K flop, Costanzo continues for 800 in position and Yildiz check-calls. The turn is an Diamond A and both players check to the Club 10 river.

Yildiz takes the betting lead, making it 2,000 and Constanzo looks agitated, putting his head in his hands while tanking for a minute or two before raiseing to 7,000. Yildiz makes a quick call but his two pair isn’t enough against Costanzo’s nuts with Club QSpade J.

Giovambattista Costanzo – 47,000
Ferhat Yildiz – 34,000

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