Interesting Betting Sends a Pot to Andrea Zigrossi

Aug 24, 2024

Andrea ZigrossiPhoto: Andrea Zigrossi

In a raised pot on a flop of Spade QClub 5Diamond 3, Andrea Zigrossi bets 1,700 from middle position and gets raised to 5,100 by Hila Dan Ionut in the cutoff.

Zigrossi calls and the turn brings the Heart 9. Zigrossi leads again, but this time just for 1,200. Ionut calls.

On the river Club K, Zigrossi sizes way up to 16,000, which gets a quick fold from Ionut.

Andrea Zigrossi – 62,000 (206 bb)
Hila Dan Ionut – 61,000 (203 bb)

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