In the Span of Four Hands, Pascal Rabany Doubles Up Twice, Then Knocks Out a Player

Jun 27, 2018

Pascal Rabany is all in from the big blind for 7,400 with Heart 7Diamond 6, and he needs to improve to stay alive against the Spade ADiamond 9 of his opponent on the button.

The board comes Diamond QSpade JClub 6Heart 2Club 10, and Rabany pairs his six on the flop to win the pot and double up in chips.

Pascal Rabany  –  15,600  (26 bb)

Two hands later, Denis Ethier raises under the gun, Rabany moves all in from the button for 15,300, and Ethier calls with Spade JDiamond J. Rabany turns over Heart AHeart K, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Diamond 10Heart 8Heart 2Diamond 5Spade K, and Rabany pairs his king on the river to win the pot and double up again.

Pascal Rabany  –  32,100  (54 bb)

The next hand, Rabany picked up pocket aces in the cutoff, and knocked out a short stack.

Pascal Rabany  –  36,000  (60 bb)

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