Ilan Cukrowicz Elminated by Hugo Heiter in 11th Place ($7,106)

Aug 5, 2023

Ilan Cukrowicz - Hugo Heiter

Ilan Cukrowicz (pictured) opens the button to 60,000 and Hugo Heiter three-bets the small blind, making it 155,000 to go. Cukrowkicz cold four-shoves approximately 690,000, Heiter snap-calls and the cards hit their back.

Ilan Cukrowicz: Spade 9Club 9
Hugo Heiter: Heart ADiamond K

The classic flip leans in Heiter’s direction when Diamond ADiamond 8Spade 4 rolls out on the flop, hitting him with a pair of bullets.

Ilan Cukrowicz - Hugo Heiter Ilan Cukrowicz

Cukrowicz needs a niner to stay alive but the Spade 7Club 3 runout fails to oblige and he is eliminated in 11th, sending the pot to Heiter.

Hugo Heiter – 1,450,000 (48 bb)
Ilan Cukrowicz – Eliminated in 11th Place for $7,106

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