Igor Yaroshevskyy Doubles Thru Vadim Baranovsky

Mar 3, 2015

Igor Yaroshevskyy

Igor Yaroshevskyy (pictured) raises to 35,000 from early position, and Vadim Baranovsky calls from the cutoff.

The flop coms QheartJclub8heart, Yaroshevskyy bets 40,000, and Baranovsky calls.

The turn brings the Qdiamond, pairing the board. Yaroshevskyy checks, Baranovsky bets 85,000, and Yaroshevskyy check-raises to 175,000. Baranovsky thinks a minute, then moves all in, having Yaroshevskyy’s remaining 550,000 covered.

Yaroshevskyy quickly calls with QspadeJspade for queens full, while Baranovsky holds KspadeQclub for trip queens.

The river is the 4club and Yraoshevskyy’s boat holds to give him the double up.

Igor Yaroshevskyy  –  1,275,000  (80 bb)
Vadim Baranovsky  –  260,000  (16 bb)

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