Ian Davis Eliminated in 23rd Place by Darren Elias

Oct 4, 2016

Ian Davis

There is over 100,000 in the pot, and the board reads Diamond QDiamond JClub 5 when Darren Elias checks on the small blind. Ian Davis (pictured) bets 55,000 on the cutoff and Elias check-raises all in. Davis calls all in and they table their hands.

Elias: Heart QClub 8
Davis: Heart 3Club 3

Turn and River: Spade 2Club 10

Davis is eliminated in 23rd place, good for $13,711, and Elias increases his chip lead to 2,175,000.

Darren Elias – 2,175,000 (108 bb)
Ian Davis – Eliminated in 23rd Place ($13,711)

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