Hyeongseok Gong Eliminated by Iulian Tataru in 14th Place (€8,300)

Apr 14, 2024

Hyeongseok Gong
Photo: Hyeongseok Gong

After Jozef Komorny raises to 115,000 under the gun, Hyeongseok Gong uses a time bank chip as he decides what to do with his last 520,000 chips.

He opts to move his stack in and potentially put himself at risk. On the button, Iulian Tataru makes the call and Komorny folds his hand.

Hyeongseok Gong: Diamond 6Club 6
Iulian Tataru: Spade AClub J

The flop comes Club QDiamond JSpade 9, pairing Tataru’s jack to give him the lead in the hand.

“Nice hand,” says Gong as he gathers his belongings before the dealer completes the board Club 2Club 10 to seal Gong’s fate in 14th place.

Iulian Tataru – 2,500,000
Hyeongseok Gong – eliminated in 14th place (€8,300)

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