Hugo Heiter Survives a Runout vs. Laurent Benhayoun

Aug 2, 2023

The cutoff player opens to 2,500 and Hugo Heiter shoves on the button for a total of 11,000. Laurent Benhayoun four-bets the small blind and the initial raiser ducks out, leaving two for a showdown.

Hugo Heiter: Spade AHeart 5
Laurent Benhayoun: Diamond 7Club 7

The flop falls Diamond AClub 10Club 5 and Heiter lands two for a lead. The Club KSpade 5 runout changes not a thing, shipping the pot to Heiter after taking down the hockey sticks of Benhayoun.

Hugo Heiter – 26,500 (22 bb)
Laurent Benyahoun – 105,000 (88 bb)

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