Hoang Quang Nguyen Eliminated on the Day 1a Bubble

May 25, 2023

Hoang Quang Nguyen

Hoang Quang Nguyen moves all-in for 79,000 in the third hand of the money bubble and Anuj Yadav calls on the button.

All other players behind fold and the other tables conclude their action.

Hoang Quang Nguyen: Heart ADiamond K
Anuj Yadav: Heart KSpade K

Nguyen’s hopes of making Day 2 end on a Heart 10Spade 7Club 3Heart 7Club K board as Yadav further improves to kings full of sevens, bursting the money bubble. Yadav will be among the biggest stacks and only trails Richard Balkau, who had won a pot by shoving the Heart KClub 8Spade 4Spade 3 turn into fellow big stack Akshay Nasa.

Richard Balkau – 935,000
Anuj Yadav – 650,000
Akshay Nasa – 552,000
Hoang Quang Nguyen – Eliminated on the Bubble

Full chip counts for Day 1a are to follow once they are provided by the Crown Poker Club.

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