Higor Seibel No More

Sep 21, 2024

The action of the hand is recalled by Timon Prill as per request of Travis Endersby, as it happened in the last level.

According to Prill, he raises to 2,200 and calls a three-bet to 7,000 by Higor Seibel to see a flop of Diamond 10Diamond 3Diamond 2. Prill check-calls for 3,500 and does so again for 11,000 on the Club 6 turn. On the Heart Q river, Prill bets 16,000 and Seibel raises to 35,000 with around 23,000 behind.

Prill jams and Seibel folds to get shown Heart JHeart 5 for a bluff. Seibel busts soon after … .

Timon Prill – 170,000 (142 bb)
Travis Endersby – 125,000 (104 bb)
Sean Ooi – 45,000 (38 bb)

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