Hien Hoang Doubles Thru Michael Wang, But Almost Loses a 5K Chip to a Void Inside the Table

Mar 24, 2024

Hien Hoang
Photo:  Hien Hoang

Michael Wang raises from the cutoff to 3,500, Jeff Platt calls from the button, and Hien Hoang moves all in from the big blind for 29,500. Wang calls, and Platt folds.

Hoang turns over Heart ADiamond K, and he needs it to hold to stay alive against Wang’s Diamond AHeart 10.

The board comes Diamond 9Club 7Heart 6Spade 5Heart J, and Wang turns a higher gutshot straight draw, but improves no further. Hoang wins the pot with his king kicker to double up in chips.

Hien Hoang  –  65,000  (43 bb)
Michael Wang  –  11,500  (8 bb)

There is an unusual situation after the hand as Hoang says one of his chips slid under the bumper on the edge of the table, but he wasn’t able to fish it out. The dealer tried to help, and while he felt something under there, he couldn’t retrieve it either.

A floorperson was called over, and he took more extreme efforts, but was only able to dislodge a coffee stirrer. But Hoang insisted a chip was under there, and when his stack was counted down, he was 5K short of what he should have after the all in. And the dealer was confident that Wang correctly paid the all-in amount.

Just when everyone seemed to begin doubting the reality of the situation, the floorperson doubled his efforts and was able to knock the missing 5K chip out and it fell onto the floor.

During this ordeal, Michael Wang had moved all in himself, picking up the blinds and ante to give his short stack a bit of extra cushion.

Michael Wang  –  15,500  (10 bb)

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