Herve Gouzil Puts Paul Runcan to the Test

Jun 6, 2024

Herve Gouzil
Photo: Herve Gouzil

The pot holds approximately 17,000 with a Diamond KHeart 9Spade 6Spade 10 flop face up on the felt. Paul Runcan bets 7,000 on the turned board and Herve Gouzil calls.

A flick of the wrist by the dealer brings down a Spade 5 river. Runcan bets 16,000 and Gouzil quickly shoves for a total of roughly 51,000.

Runcan taps the table as he mucks his hand, sending the pot over to Gouzil.

Herve Gouzil – 90,000 (113 bb)
Paul Runcan – 38,500 (48 bb)

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