Hermann Gomez Eliminated by Michael Tran in a Huge Pot; Tran Among the Chipleaders

Jul 2, 2018

Pierre Merlin raises from middle position to 22,000, Hermann Gomez calls from the button, Michael Tran calls from the small blind, and WPT Executive Tour Director Matt Savage calls from the big blind.

All four players check to the turn on a board of X AX 7X 3X 2, and Tran bets 65,000. Savage and Merlin both fold, and Gomez moves all in for about 600,000.

Tran calls with X 3X 3 for a set of threes, but Gomez turns over X 5X 4 for a five-high straight. It’s a huge pot, and whoever wins will be among the chipleaders, and whoever loses will be eliminated or left with just a few big blinds.

The river card is — an X A!

Tran makes a full house as the river card pairs the board, winning a huge pot and eliminating Gomez from the tournament.

Michael Tran  –  1,355,000  (136 bb)
Hermann Gomez  –  Eliminated

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