Herbie Montalbano Eliminated by Ryan Olisar

Dec 16, 2015

Phil Laak raises to 3,400 from early position, Ryan Olisar calls from the next seat over, Joe Serock calls from the button, Ben Zamani calls from the small blind and Herbie Montalbano three-bet shoves from the big blind for 17,700.

Laak tanks for a bit before he folds, Olisar reraises all in and isolates the action.

Olisar: Club ADiamond K
Montalbano: Club 7Club 2

The board comes Club 9Spade 9Heart 3Club 5Heart 9, safe for Olisar to win the pot.

Ryan Olisar – 90,000 (56 bb)
Herbie Montalbano – Eliminated

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