Herbie Montalbano Doubles Thru Steve Sung

Mar 13, 2014

Steve Sung moves all in from the small blind, and Herbie Montalbano calls all in from the big blind for 440,000 with [JcJd]. Sung turns over [Kc6d], and Montalbano needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

There is a king in the window as the flop comes [KdJs10h], and for a few brief moments, it looks as though Sung will eliminate Montalbano on the hand. But everyone quickly realizes that Montalbano has flopped a set of jacks.

The turn is the [3d], the river is the [6c], and Montalbano wins the pot with his set of jacks to double up in chips.

Herbie Montalbano  –  900,000  (22 bb)
Steve Sung  –  980,000  (24 bb)

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