Herbie Montalbano Doubles Thru Brian Park

Mar 13, 2014

Brian Park min-raises from the button to 60,000, and Herbie Montalbano calls from the big blind.

The flop comes [9d8d7s], Montalbano checks, Park bets 60,000, and Montalbano moves all in for 410,000.

Park calls with [10s9s] for a pair of nines with an open-ended straight draw, and Montalbano turns over [Jd10s] for a jack-high straight. Montalbano needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The turn is the [4d], the river is the [5c], and Montalbano wins the pot with his straight to double up in chips.

Herbie Montalbano  –  980,000  (32 bb)
Brian Park  –  440,000  (14 bb)

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