Heavy Betting Not Heavy Petting

Feb 20, 2013

Paolo Compagno raises to 675 in first position, Robert Gorodinsky three-bets to 1,500 two seats to his left, and everyone else allows the two to tango – Compagno just flatting.

Flop: [8c] [3h] [2c]

Compagno checks, Gorodinsky bets 2,100, Compagno bets 5,100, Gorodinsky bets 15,000 and Compagno bets 27,100. Every single bet had a little bit of bite about it.  In the end Gorodinsky got the message and folded.

“Nice bluff,” he said.

“I had nines,” said Compagno.

“That’s a lie,” said Gorodinsky, “I had nines…which two did you have?”

Compagno ~ 75,000
Gorodinsky ~ 53,000

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