Hauke Gerde Eliminated in 18th Place ($24,916)

Dec 4, 2013

Hauke Gerde started the day as the short stack and he was just the first player to get knocked out on Day 4.

On Gerde’s final hand he decides to move all in from the under-the-gun plus two position for 150,000 and Marco Cannizzaro calls from his immediate left. All the other players fold their cards quickly and the all-in showdown goes as following.

Gerde – [KcJc]
Cannizzaro – [7d7h]

The board runs out [8h5h2dTh4h] and Gerde is eliminated in 18th place.

Marco Cannizzaro – 2,800,000
Hauke Gerde – Eliminated 18th ($24,916)

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