Hands #98-99: Blake Purvis Eliminated in 2nd Place ($166,139)

Nov 19, 2013

Hand #98 – On the first hand of the new level, Jared Jaffee has the button and folds, giving Blake Purvis the pot.

Hand #99 – Purvis raises to 250,000 and Jaffee calls. The flop comes [Jd][Jh][6h]. Jaffee checks, Purvis bets 400,000, and Jaffee check-raises to 1.3 million. Purvis then quickly announces he is pushing all in for roughly 3.4 million total and Jaffee calls right away.

Jaffee shows [4h][2h] for a heart flush draw while Purvis has [Ah][As] for aces and jacks. The players both stand to watch the last two community cards arrive.

The turn is the [6c], and Purvis is still ahead. But the river brings the [Qh], completing Jaffee’s flush to give him the hand and the title. Purvis earns $166,139 for his second-place finish, while Jaffee wins the title and a $252,749 first prize.

Heads Up_Jared Jaffee_Blake Purvis

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