Hands #96-102: Final Four Players

Sep 9, 2024

Hand #96: Marc Sen raises to 1,100,000 in the cutoff and wins the pot.

Hand #97: Alexis Tremblay jams for 4,775,000 on the button to steal the blinds.

Hand #98: Sen raises to 1,500,000 from the small blind, Leandro Dirlewanger forfeits the big blind.

Hand #99: Sen raises to 1,100,000 on the button, Tremblay jams for 5,525,000 in the big blind and takes it down.

Hand #100: Sen raises to 1,100,000 first to act, Nico Frenn defends the big blind. Frenn check-calls for 625,000 on the Spade 10Spade 9Spade 4 flop and checks the Spade Q turn. Sen bets another 2,500,000 and wins the pot.

Hand #101: A walk for Sen.

Hand #102: Sen jams the small blind, Dirlewanger folds again.

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