Hands #95-99: Chak Lam Tsang Chips Up With Aggression

May 29, 2023

Chak Lam Tsang

Hand #95: Chak Lam Tsang limps the small blind and Duy Thuc Nguyen raises to 750,000 from the big blind. Tsang limp-jams and Nguyen folds.

Hand #96: Nguyen raises to 700,000 out of the small blind and Xizhen Huang calls in the big blind. Nguyen continues for 1,000,000 on the Club 10Heart 7Heart 5 flop and receives a call, then fires another 1,500,000 on the Club 7 turn.

This time, Huang opts to fold.

Hand #97: A walk for Tsang.

Hand #98: Rise and repeat of the previous action. Small blind limp pf Tsang, Nguyen raises to 750,000 and folds to a shove.

Hand #99: Tsang raises the button to 550,000 and Nguyen calls in the small blind. On a flop of Spade JDiamond 4Heart 4, Nguyen checks and Tsang bets 550,000 to take it down.

Duy Thuc Nguyen – 20,000,000 (80 bb)
Chak Lam Tsang – 8,500,000 (34 bb)
Xizhen Huang – 6,000,000 (24 bb)

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