Hands #93-94: Final Three Players

Aug 25, 2016

Hand #93 – Nathan Hall raises to 160,000 on the button. Jeffrey Cormier three-bets to 400,000 from the small blind, and Hall calls.

The flop comes Spade 10Heart 10Heart 5, and both players check. The turn is the Spade 4. Cormier bets 500,000, and Hall calls. The river is the Heart Q. Cormier checks, and Hall opts to check back. Cormier lets out a groan, and tables Spade AClub A. Hall mucks his hand

Hand #94 – Nathan Hall gets a walk.

Seat 1: Nathan Hall – 5,400,000 (67 bb)
Seat 2: Jeffrey Cormier – 5,800,000 (72 bb)
Seat 3: Jason Mandanici-Turcot – 1,100,000 (13 bb)

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