Hands #9-11: Rishi Makkar Eliminated in 9th Place ($74,300)

Nov 28, 2023

Rishi Makkar Rishi Makkar
Photo:  Rishi Makkar

HAND #9 – Istvan Briski raises to 300,000 in the cutoff and everyone folds

HAND #10 – Jason Sagle raises to 350,000 in middle position, Istvan Briski three-bets to 625,000 in the hijack, and Sagle calls. Both players check to the river on a board of Heart JDiamond 6Spade KHeart ADiamond 7.

Sagle then bets 500,000 and Briski calls. “Three aces,” Sagle says, turning over Diamond ASpade A to win the pot.

Jason Sagle – 3,200,000 (21 bb)
Istvan Briski – 17,200,000 (115 bb)

HAND #11 – Rayan Chamas raises to 400,000 on the button, Rishi Makkar moves all in for 1,100,000 in the big blind, and Chamas calls.

Rishi Makkar: Club AHeart Q
Rayan Chamas: Spade KDiamond 9

The Diamond 7Diamond 10Spade 6 flop gives Chamas a straight draw. The Heart J turn gives him more outs, while the Heart 8 river completes his straight and sends Makkar to the rail in ninth place.

Rayan Chamas – 6,500,000 (43 bb)
Rishi Makkar – eliminated in 9th place ($74,300)

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