Hands #8-10: Trips for Eriquezzo

Nov 18, 2013

Hand #8 – Randall Price raises to 48,000 from middle position, and when Jared Jaffee reraises to about 115,000, Price folds.

Hand #9 – David Diaz wins the blinds and antes with a middle position raise to 40,000.

Hand #10 – Matthew Oswalt raises to 45,000 from early position and both Ryan Eriquezzo and Jared Jaffee call from middle position. The flop comes [Qs][8h][2s] and Oswalt leads with a bet of 80,000. Eriquezzo calls and Jaffee folds.

The turn is the [Qd]. Acting quickly, Oswalt bets 120,000. Eriquezzo takes his time and calls. The river is the [7c]. Again Oswalt acts without hesitation, betting 210,000, and this time Eriquezzo calls immediately.

Oswalt shows [As][10s] and Eriquezzo [Ac][Qc], and the latter’s trip queens win him the pot.

Matthew Oswalt – 1,455,000 (73 bb)
Ryan Eriquezzo – 1,176,000 (59 bb)

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