Hands #80-81: Siddharth Jolly Doubles Through Kiran Bondu

Apr 17, 2023

Siddharth Jolly

Hand #81: Kiran Bondu raises to 500,000 in late position and calls the all-in of Siddharth Jolly in the big blind for 1,100,000.

Siddharth Jolly: Diamond QHeart Q
Kiran Bondu: Heart AClub Q

The board runs out Heart JSpade 5Club 3Diamond 3Spade 6 and Jolly doubles.

Hand #82: Prasit Chowdhury jams with the lead on the button to take down the pot.

Prasit Chowdhury – 8,650,000 (43 bb)
Siddharth Jolly – 2,400,000 (12 bb)

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