Hands #75: Chris Arvanitis Doubles Thru A.J. Gambino

Nov 18, 2015

Chris Arvanitis_WPT Montreal _S14_Day 4_Giron_8JG3627

Hand #75  –  Rainer Kempe raises under the gun to 120,000, A.J. Gambino calls from the button, and Chris Arvanitis (pictured) reraises from the small blind to 330,000. Kempe folds, and Gambino moves all in.

Arvanitis calls all in for 875,000 with Heart AClub A, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive against Gambino’s Spade QHeart Q.

The board comes Spade AClub 10Heart 4Club 8Heart 10, and Arvanitis wins the pot with a full house, aces full of tens, to double up in chips.

Chris Arvanitis  –  2,000,000  (33 bb)
A.J. Gambino  –  1,850,000  (31 bb)

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