Hands #73-76: Four-Handed Play Continues

Feb 24, 2014

Hand #73 – Jason James raises to 160,000 from the button, Matthew Lapossie reraises all in from the big blind, and James folds.

Hand #74 – James raises again to 160,000 from under the gun/the cutoff and gets one caller in Dylan Wilkerson on the button. The flop comes [As][4d][Qh]. James bets 190,000 and Wilkerson calls. The turn is the [6d]. James bets 325,000 this time, and Wilkerson lets his hand go.

Hand #75 – Wilkerson bets 160,000 from UTG/cutoff and Spiro Mikrogianakis calls from the small blind. The flop comes [Kh][2c][6h] and both check. The [5h] turn brings a check from Mikrogianakis, then Wilkerson bets 175,000 and Mikrogianakis calls. The river is the [Jh] and both check.

Mikrogianakis shows [8h][8s], the heart giving him a flush, and Wilkerson folds.

Hand #76 – Lapossie raises to 160,000 from the cutoff/UTG, and Wilkerson calls from the big blind. Both check down the [7d][2h][Jd] flop, [8s] turn, and [4h] river, and Lapossie’s [As][Kc] beats [Ad][5c] to claim the pot. 

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