Hands #73-75: Three in a Row For Leung

Feb 24, 2014

Hand #73 – Jason James raises from the small blind to 85,000 and Howie Leung moves all in from the big blind. James folds and Leung takes down another pot.

Hand #74 – James raises to 80,000 from the button and Leung moves all in from the small blind right away. James shows the [Ah] as he mucks his cards and Leung tables [AcKc] as he rakes in another pot.

Hand #75 – Leung raises to 80,000 from the button and Dave Graham calls from the flop. The flop brings [KcAsTh] and Graham checks to Leung who bets 80,000. Graham puts in a check-raise to 220,000 and Leung makes the call.

On the turn the [6s] hits and Graham checks to Leung who checks behind. The river brings the [5s], Graham checks and Leung moves all in. Graham shows the [Ah] and folds as Leung picks up the third pot in a row.

Dave Graham – 1,650,000
Howie Leung – 1,600,000

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