Hands #73-77: More for Reiji Kono and Jose Catela

Mar 20, 2023

Hand #73: A walk for Matthieu Lamagnere.

Hand #74: Reiji Kono raises to 300,000 in the cutoff and folds when Lamagnere three-bets to 800,000.

Hand #75: Lamagnere opens to 325,000 on the button and finds no resistance.

Hand #76: Lamagnere raises to 325,000 in the cutoff for Kono to defend the big blind. The flop brings Club 10Diamond 10Diamond 6 and both players check. Kono bets the Heart K turn for 600,000 and earns a call before he then bets the Diamond 8 river for 1,100,000.

Lamagnere folds and Kono wins the pot.

Hand #77: Bien Mai opens to 300,000 in the cutoff, earning a call from Jose Catela in the big blind. Catela check-calls 275,000 on the Heart 9Spade 4Club 3 flop and they check the Diamond 8 turn.

Catela’s bet of 500,000 on the Spade 6 river is called by Mai, who mucks to the Diamond QSpade 9 of the Portuguese.

Matthieu Lamagnere – 14,200,000 – (94 bb)
Jose Catela – 5,200,000 (34 bb)
Reiji Kono – 4,000,000 (26 bb)
Bien Mai – 2,525,000 (16 bb)

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