Hands #7-11: Final Eight Players

May 6, 2024

James MackeyPhoto: James Mackey

HAND #7  –  Adam Hendrix completes the small blind to 100,000, James Mackey raises from the big blind to 325,000, and Hendrix folds. Mackey takes the pot.

HAND #8  –  Sebastien Aube raises from middle position to 200,000, taking the blinds and ante.

HAND #9  –  Adam Hendrix raises from the cutoff to 200,000, James Mackey reraises from the button to 525,000, and Hendrix calls. The flop comes Heart JClub 4Spade 2, Hendrix checks, Mackey bets 350,000, and Hendrix calls.

The turn card is the Heart 6, and both players check. The river card is the Heart 3, and they check again. Hendrix shows Spade AHeart Q for ace high, but Mackey turns over Diamond KDiamond 3 to win the pot with a pair of threes.

James Mackey  –  9,750,000  (98 bb)
Adam Hendrix  –  3,800,000  (38 bb)

HAND #10  –  Eric Afriat raises from the small blind to 350,000, taking the blinds and ante.

HAND #11  –  Eric Afriat raises from the button to 200,000, Sebastien Aube moves all in from the big blind and Afriat folds. Aube takes the pot.

Sebastien Aube  –  6,375,000  (64 bb)
Eric Afriat  –  2,450,000  (25 bb)

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