Hands #69-72: Short Stacks Surviving

Feb 24, 2014

Hand #69 – Dave Graham opens to 100,000 from the small blind and wins.

Hand #70 – Howie Leung raises to 80,000 from middle position and Matthew Lapossie calls from the big blind. The flop comes single-suited — [5c][Jc][6c] — and Lapossie leads for 80,000. Leung calls. The turn brings the [10s] and when Lapossie checks, Leung pushes all in and Lapossie folds.

Hand #71 – Lapossie raises to 100,000 from the small blind and Spiro Mikrogianakis defends his big blind with a call. The flop comes [Qd][Js][3h], and when Lapossie continues for 110,000, Mikrogianakis calls. The turn is the [Qs] and both check. The river is the [3d] and both check again.

Lapossie shows [Ad][Kc] while Mikrogianakis turns over [Jh][6h] for jacks and queens to win the pot.

Hand #72 – Howie Leung raises to 80,000 from the under the gun, then Josue Sauvageau reraises all in from a seat over. It folds back to Leung who hesitates just a bit before folding. 

Howie Leung – 1,210,000
Josue Sauvageau – 1,180,000

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