Hands #68-71: Final Four Players

Dec 5, 2013

Hand #68 – Sylvain Siebert raises to 260,000 in the cutoff and Derrick Rosenbarger calls from the big blind.

The flop falls [AcAh4c] and Rosenbarger checks to Siebert who bets 260,000. Rosenbarger calls, the [2s] turns, and both check. The [Th] river completes the board and Rosenbarger bets 475,000. Siebert shoves for about 4 million, resulting in a quick fold from Rosenbarger.

Hand #69 – Serge Cantin raises to 250,000 in the cutoff and Mukul Pahuja three-bets to 625,000 on the button. Cantin gives it some thought, but ultimately folds.

Hand #70 – Derrick Rosenbarger raises to 250,000 on the button and collects the blinds and antes. 

Hand #71
– Derrick Rosenbarger raises to 250,000 in the cutoff and Mukul Pahuja defends his big blind.   The flop falls [8c4h4d] and Pahuja check-calls 275,000 from Rosenbarger to see the [6s] turn. Both check, the [Qc] river falls, and Pahuja bets 480,000. Rosenbarger calls and after Pahuja tables ace-eight, Rosenbarger shows [KdKh] for a better two pair to win the pot.

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