Hands #66-70: Christopher Puetz Chops for Life

Feb 23, 2020

Christopher Puetz

Hand #66: Laszlo Papai raises from the button with Heart JDiamond J and picks up the blinds.

Hand #67: This time, Joep van den Bijgaart peels the Heart JDiamond J on the button, and he also collects the blinds after raising it up.

Hand #68: Papai limps from the small blind with the Heart 10Heart 8 and van den Bijgaart checks with the Club QHeart 6. The flop comes Club 5Diamond QSpade 4 and Papai quickly check-folds to van den Bijgaart’s bet.

Hand #69: Papai raises to 300,000 from the button with Club AClub 9 and Christopher Puetz announces all in from the big blind, having the inferior Heart AClub 6. Papai asks for a count and then calls the 3.3 million shove.

Puetz bricks the Spade 8Heart KClub 2 flop, but the Spade A gives him some chop outs. He would receive one as the Diamond 8 on the river splits the pot.

Hand #70: Puetz completes with the Diamond 7Diamond 5 and Papai checks with the Heart 7Club 3. Papai catches the bottom pair on Diamond 3Club 9Club 8 while Puetz has a gutshot. Puetz checks, Papai bets 175,000, and Puetz check-raises to 575,000. Papai snap-calls.

The turn comes Diamond 8, improving Puetz’ draw and both players check to the river where Puetz hits the jackpot as it lands Spade 6. He fires an overbet of 2.2 million and Papai tank-folds.

Joep van den Bijgaart – 11,000,000
Laszlo Papai – 5,300,000
Christopher Puetz – 4,300,000

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