Hands #58-63: Valeriy Pak Comes Out Swinging

Jul 22, 2023

Valeriy Pak

Hand #58 – Chao Ting Cheng raises to 625,000 from the button with Club AClub 9, Valeriy Pak calls in the small blind holding Club JClub 8 and Yin Tao defends his big blind with Club JClub Q

The dealer fans out Diamond QDiamond 10Heart 7 on the flop, action checks through to the Spade 5 turn where Pak leads out, betting 1,300,000. Tao and Cheng fold.

Hand #59 – Pak limps the button with Heart 8Heart 7 and Tao raises to 900,000 with Club AClub K in the small blind.

Pak calls, bringing Diamond QClub JDiamond 8 on the flop and both check their option to the Diamond 7 turn that gives Pak two pair.

Tao bets 1,100,000 and is met with a check-raise to 3,700,000 by Pak. Tao folds

Hand #60 – Cheng completes the small blind and Pak raises to 1,400,000 from the big blind. Cheng Folds. The players see increased blinds of 200,000-400,000 with a 400,000 big blind ante.

Hand #61 – Pak shoves the small blind and takes down the pot.

Hand #62 – Pak limps the button with Diamond QHeart 10 and Tao raises the small blind to 1,200,00, holding Heart AClub A.

A call from Pak brings down the Diamond KClub 8Spade 3 flop where Tao bets 800,000. Pak quickly releases.

Veleriy Pak – 17,300,000 (43 bb)
Yin Tao – 7,600,000 (19 bb)
Chao Ting Cheng -12,950,000 (32 bb)

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