Hands #55-60: Final Four Players

Sep 9, 2024

Hand #55: Nico Frenn raises to 600,000 and Leandro Dirlewanger asks for his stack size, then three-bets to 1,650,000 in the small blind. Frenn pushes all-in and Dirlewanger folds.

Hand #56: Dirlewanger opens to 900,000 on the button, the blinds fold.

Hand #57: Dirlewanger continues with another raise to 700,000 in the cutoff and Marc Sen defends the big blind. Sen check-calls for 300,000 on the Club 10Spade 7Diamond 7 flop and jams the Club 8 turn. Dirlewanger asks for a count and folds when it is deemed to be for 2,025,000.

Hand #58: Frenn opens to 750,000 on the button. Sen uses one time bank and jams out of the small blind, wins the pot.

Hand #59: Dirlewanger raises to 750,000 from the small blind and Alexis Tremblay forfeits his big blind.

Hand #60: Dirlewanger opens to 850,000 on the button and wins the last hand of the level prior to a 15-minute break.

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