Hands #53-57 Three-Handed Play Begins After a Deal

Jul 22, 2023

The final three players have agreed to a deal that will see the following payouts based on their current chip status.

Chao Ting Cheng: $251,595
Yin Tao: $232,667
Valeriy Pak: $197,332

The trio will remain playing for the WPT Korea Main Event trophy.

Hand #53 – Yin Tao limps his small blind with Spade QHeart 2 and Chao Ting Cheng checks the big blind with Diamond QDiamond 3.

Tao bets 300,000 on the Spade KHeart JHeart 4 flop and gets a call.

The Spade 9 falls on the turn and they check to the Diamond K river. Tao bets 900,000, Cheng calls and the players chop the pot.

Hand #54 – Chao Ting Cheng limps the small blind with Club JHeart 4. Valeriy Pak checks his big blind with Diamond KSpade 9.

They check to the river on the Club 8Diamond QHeart 9Spade 8Spade A board where Cheng check-calls a 400,000 bet from Pak who takes the pot.

Hand #55 – Valeriy Pak raises the small blind to 650,000 with Diamond JHeart 9 and gets a call from Yin Tao with Spade 3Spade 2 in the big blind.

On the Club KSpade 9Heart 3 flop, Pak bets 625,000 and gets a call from Tao.

On the Spade 8 turn, Pak checks and Tao bets 1,300,000. Pak calls with his second pair.

The river is the Club 7 and the duo check, with Pak taking it down.

Hand #56 – Valeriy Pak raises the button to 775,000 with Spade JDiamond J and Chao Ting Cheng calls in the big blind with Diamond 9Heart 6.

On the Diamond ADiamond KHeart J flop, Pak bets 900,000 after Cheng checks and gets a quick fold.

Hand #57 – Yin Tao raises the button to 700,000 and gets jammed on by Valeriy Pak in the big blind with Diamond AClub 2 for 11,975,000. Tao folds to send the pot to Pak.

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