Hands #51-54: Final Seven Players

Jan 27, 2010

Hand #51  –  Jerry Vanstrydonck raises form middle position to 38,000, Hoyt Corkins reraises from the small blind to 138,000, and Vanstrydonck folds. Hoyt Corkins takes the pot. 

Hand #52  –  Hoyt Corkins raises from the button to an unknown amount, winning the blinds and antes. 

Hand #53  –  Everyone folds to Jerry Vanstrydonck, giving him a walk in the big blind. 

Hand #54  –  Hoyt Corkins raises from middle position to 40,000, Jonathan Kantor calls from the button, and James Reed calls from the big blind. The flop comes [7d7s4s], Reed checks, Hoyt bets 60,000, Kantor calls, and Reed folds. 

The turn card is the [6h], Hoyt bets 120,000, and Kantor calls. The river card is the [3c], Hoyt bets 154,000, and Kantor calls. Hoyt shows [KcKs] to win the pot with two pair, kings and sevens, and Kantor mucks. 

Hoyt Corkins  –  1,740,000
Jonathan Kantor  –  700,000

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