Hands #51-54: Final Four Players

Dec 5, 2013

Hand #51 – Sylvain Siebert raises to 225,000 on the button and Serge Cantin calls on the small blind. Mukul Pahuja three-bets to 775,000 on the big blind and both Siebert and Cantin fold.

Hand #52 – Sylvain Siebert raises to 225,000 preflop under the gun and Serge Cantin calls on the button. The flop is dealt [Qc8h7c] and both players check. The [6c] comes on the turn and both players check again. The [9d] finishes the board on the river and Siebert bets 500,000. Cantin calls but he mucks his cards when Siebert shows [Jd10c] for a straight.

Hand #53 – Mukul Pahuja raises to 225,000 preflop on the button and Derrick Rosenbarger reraises to 650,000. Pahuja folds his cards and Rosenbarger takes down the pot.

Hand #54 – Derrick Rosenbarger raises to 225,000 and everyone folds.

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