Hands #46-48: Margo Costa Eliminated in 4th Place ($79,114)

Nov 19, 2013

Hand #46  – Blake Purvis raises to 180,000 from the small blind and wins the blinds and antes. 

Hand #47 – Jared Jaffee raises to 125,000 from the cutoff and wins.

Hand #48 – Purvis raises to 180,000 from the cutoff/under the gun and Margo Costa calls from the button. The blinds fold and the flop comes [Qs][4c][3s]. Purvis leads for 225,000, and after tanking for a while Costa moves all in for 1.5 million.  Purvis thinks for a couple of beats then makes the call.

Purvis turns over [7d][7c] and has the lead as Costa tables [Kh][10h]. The turn is the [2d] and river the [Ad], and Costa finishes in fourth place for a $79,114 payday.

Blake Purvis – 4,990,000
Margo Costa – Eliminated

Margo Costa

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