Hands #46-49: Michal Mrakes Builds Stack by Three-Betting

Jan 15, 2018

Michal Mrakes
Hand #46: Hanyong Kuo raised to 110,000 with the Diamond AHeart 7 and Ole Schemion in the big blind moved all in with the Spade 4Heart 4 to force a fold from Kuo.

Hand #47: A walk for Michal Mrakes.

Hand #48: Ole Schemion made it 100,000 to go with the Diamond QSpade 10 on the button and Mrakes three-bet to 350,000 out of the small blind with the Club 8Club 7, which shut down all further action.

Hand #49: Schemion raised to 100,000 with Heart QHeart 4 and Mrakes three-bet with pocket eights to claim another pot.

Ole Schemion – 4,230,000 (95bb)
Michal Mrakes – 2,550,000 (51bb)
Patrice Brandt – 1,235,000 (25bb)
Michael Behnert – 825,000 (17bb)
Hanyong Kuo – 810,000 (16bb)

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