Hands #45-48: Spencer Champlin Is Down to Six Big Blinds

May 8, 2023

HAND #45  –  Jared Jaffee raises from middle position to 200,000, taking the blinds and ante.

HAND #46  –  Bin Weng raises from middle position to 225,000, and Mike Vanier calls from the button. The flop comes Heart ADiamond 4Diamond 3, Weng bets 250,000, and Vanier calls. The turn card is the Heart 5, and both players check.

The river card is the Heart 10, and they check again. Vanier shows Spade 6Diamond 6 to win the pot, and Weng mucks.

HAND #47  –  Erkut Yilmaz completes the small blind to 100,000, Jared Jaffee raises from the big blind to 325,000, and Yilmaz limp-raises to 1,200,000. Jaffee uses one of his Time Chips before he folds, and Yilmaz takes the pot.

HAND #48  –  Spencer Champlin raises from the cutoff to 200,000, and Bin Weng calls from the big blind. The flop comes Spade KClub 6Club 4, Weng checks, Champlin bets 100,000, and Weng calls. The turn card is the Heart 5, and both players check.

The river card is the Heart 10, and they check again. Weng shows Heart 4Spade 3 to win the pot with a pair of fours, and Champlin mucks.

Spencer Champlin  –  625,000  (6 bb)

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